Myths about dogs : In today's traditions, there is a lot of Myths in the minds of people about dogs, so friends, let's see some of them today.

Myths About Dogs 

myths about dogs

What Dogs can Only See Black & White Colour? 

  • There is a widespread misconception that dogs can see black and white colors only and not others. 
  • This myth was originated at the times when scientists were unable to fully understand the internal structure of a dogs eye.
  • The only truth to this myth is: unlike humans, their color spectrum is very limited. It means they can see other colors but to a specific extent. 
  • It is only because of the cones in their retina. Humans have three types of cones in their retina while dogs only have two.The colors most visible to the dogs are yellow, blue and green.

What Dogs Are Unhealthy with there Dry Nose

Myths About Dogs

  • Many people believe that a dry nose means that a dog is sick or unhealthy, this myths about dogs are not true. This myth was originated at the times when dogs had distemper diseases. 
  • As an advanced stage of distemper, the dog nose and footpads will become dry. 
  • But now distemper disease is rare because of vaccinations. 
  • So, this myth is not true unless your dog has distemper. 
  • There are many other reasons why a dog nose could be dry. 
  • A dog nose could be dry when he just wakes up or because of humidity in the air. 

What Dogs Bite ?

myths about dogs

  • A blind belief in this myth can lead you to a dog bite.
  • It's true to some extent that dogs wag their tails when they are happy and excited but thats not the only reason why dogs wag their tails. 
  • Tail wagging also mean something more. It means that a dog is scared, anxious or nervous. 
  • Not just tail wagging but also pay close attention to the other body language like look in the eye, position of his ears and overall body position before approaching a dog.

Dogs Mature Much Faster than Humans.

  • It is true that dogs mature much faster than humans but saying that one dog year is equal to 7 humans years is just a myth. 
  • A one-year-old dog is like a human teenager. Dogs can reproduce when they are one year old. 
  • Scientits have created a chart of dogs age as compared to humans. (used chart from pet.webMD) Dogs age depends upon their size, breed and overall health life. 
  • Small dogs breeds tend to live longer than larger dog breeds.You might have heard this several times but the fact is, there is no truth to it. 
  • Senior dogs can learn new commands. However, they may be slow learners and not physically so fit to apprehend the commands.
  • A senior may be less energetic and show less interest inthe learning process. So the main thing is it might take more time but that doesn't mean you can't teach senior dog some new commands.

Can we Kiss Dog's

Myths About Dogs

  • Dogs are beautiful and you may not be able to stop yourself from kissing them. But how do you know if their mouth is clean?
  • Dogs explore environment through their mouth and they will put anything in their mouth to check. 
  • You should not bring your mouth close to theirs unless you are cleaning their mouth regularly and brushing their teeth.
  • Their mouths may not be cleaner but that also doesn't quote mean that you can become sick by kissing a dog. Germs in dog quote s mouth are specific to dogs only. 

Sick Dog Would Eat Grass

Myths About Dogs

  • It is often thought that a sick dog would eat grass in order to make him vomit but that's clearly not the reason why dogs eat grass.
  • They eat grass either becasue it's their ancesterol diet or they like it.
  • Dogs do vomit after they eat a lot of grass becasue it causes irritation in their stomach but that doesn't mean they are sick or unhealthy.

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