Dog age into human years : It’s pretty obvious that dogs age faster than we do.Like, you might have heard that your dog age into human years multiplied by seven.But that is just, like, a made up myth...thing. And we have looked at it scientifically, and what we have discovered is weirder and more interesting than you might think:
Dog age into Human Years
Your dog is aging both more quickly—and more slowly. How old your dog age into human years might seem like a meaningless question. But veterinarians can use that kind of comparison to determine what kind of care their patients’ need.
Because, in many ways, dog bodies age into human years ones do.Like, they develop gray hair, and their limbs and joints stop working well.(Not that I would know anything about that!) But the speed at which dogs get old is very different from us: they actually age much faster during the first part of their lives! To get an estimate for how fast, back in 1953, a French researcher lined up major life events in humans and dogs—so, things like puberty and death.
From that, he proposed that puppies age 15 to 20 times faster than people! Like, a one year-old dog is roughly equivalent to a 15 year-old person. Once they fully mature, though, their aging slows down. And eventually, he thought aging levels out to about a one in five— for every year that passes, dogs age as much as we do in five years. But in a paper published in 2020, researchers from the UCSD School of Medicine showed that dogs age even faster than that — and then, slower.
This insight came from looking at measurvable marks on DNA that change over time. These marks are called methylation marks because they’re made by the addition of a methyl group: a carbon atom surrounded by hydrogens. Adding a methyl group to DNA can affect whether the genes in that area are active,so patterns of methylation marks across the genome change with things like age and disease.
Turns out a one-year-old lab’s body has actually aged about as much as a 30 year-old human’s! After about seven years, though, this slows to roughly 1.6 human years of aging per dog year. So, they age much slower than we thought once they become senior puppers.Those exact numbers might not work for every dog, of course. Previous research suggested that breed and size can impact aging in dog age into human years .
So, the researchers will need to examine more dogs, and potentially come up with breed-specific age comparisons. Still, these results give us a much better sense of the rate at which dogs are aging. And that knowledge may help veterinarians better diagnose and treat age-related conditions in them in the future. It may mean they should be testing for some things or providing certain therapies earlier in life, for instance.
So even if it seems goofy to think of your four year-old doggo as middle-aged, measuring your pup in human years isn’t a silly exercise. It could help your furry friend live a longer, healthier life. You know, all this talk about aging rates and how they change over time has got me thinking I could use a bit of a math refresher.
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