Hi puppy parents I'm Lucy and you look like you need a nap! Bringing home a new puppy can mean playtime all day but when you have a puppy that cries at night nothing seems more fun than bedtime.

Let's See

How to Stop Your Puppy from Crying at Night 

So you and your fur baby you can get some sweet sweet sleep!

Step 1: 

  • Give them a good time out.
  • Give your puppy alone time during the day not just at bedtime.
  • Try putting her in our own space like a pen or a crate
  • and give her a fun chew toy you want to think of
  • being alone as a good thing, day or night! 
  • You can also leave her with something that smells like you such as a t-shirt or blanket! 
  • The familiar scent will help soothe your pup and give her something to cuddle with as she drifts into dreamland.

Step 2:

  • Don't make it a big deal, it can be really tough to hear your puppy cry at night but if you want to make a difference you've got to be indifferent. 
  • Resist the urge to run back to your fur baby, cuddle, or cute face, and tell her everything's gonna be okay.
  • Giving your puppy attention when she cries teaches her that this behavior will get her a reward and that's the opposite of what you want!

Step 3: 

  • Play some soothing sounds, your puppy might cry a lot and that's okay!
  • Remember to stay strong and just wait it out but if you need some backup try playing a calm TV show or some soothing music to help them fall asleep.

Step 4: 

  • Wait for the right moment, if you absolutely need to give your puppy attention while she's crying wait for instance.
  • If you know your puppy is crying because she needs to potty don't let her out of the crate until she's
  • silent for at least a second! 
  • Remember you don't want your puppy thinking the crying will get her results.
  • Oh, what's that I hear? It's your bed calling your name!
  • Soon your puppy will learn that night time means nap time!
  • And nap time good for everyone, especially hard-working pup parents like you!

Guys this were the solution of how to stop puppy cry at night i hope this is helpful for you let me know in comments box drop some heart there :)

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