3 Best Dogs Collars

Hey folks I'm Ronni from Dogisstuff.blogspot.com and today I'm really excited.We're gonna to be focusing on some really high-quality dog collars that are made for dogs who love to be outside.

So let's take a look.

So the three options that we have here today

are -

✓ The Ruffwear Crag Collar.

✓ The Kurgo Muck Collar.

✓ The Wilderdog Maple Collar.


The Ruffwear Crag Collar

  • This collar is really lightweight and what I really like is that the material is flexible.
  • A lot of times on collars you'll see that they'll be stiffer and this is a really good option if you're looking for something a little bit softer.It's gonna bend and move.
  • If your dog's also going to be wearing a harness and doesn't need the structure of a firm collar,this is a great option.
  • It's got a couple of clips so you have a leash clip, but you also have a separate clip here on the side which is for tags.
  • So what I like about that is that when you clip your dog up, you're not going to have the jingling of the buckle from the leash that's going to be clanking against the tags.So you have a separate little spot for them.
  • So, overall it's going to be a little bit more pleasant from a noise level perspective.You can find this collar online, it runs about $20 and it's a pretty reasonable price point for the quality that you'll get from Ruffwear.

 The Muck Collar

  • This is made by Kurgo and this collar is 100% waterproof.
  • So if you have a dog that likes to swim,is going to be kind of slushing through mud,getting out there getting wet this is a really great option because you can just take a hose to this or a towel, run it and clean it right up.
  • The hardware is really sturdy so it's going a traditional buckle here.And a little fun fact here is that the leash clip actually also doubles as a bottle opener.
  • So if you're out on a hike, you finish, your up at the top and want to enjoy a beverage,your dog's collar can help you out with that.You can find this collar online for about $15 and it's a great option just to have on hand.

 The Maple Collar

  • This is made by Wilderdog.We actually found this collar on Instagram of all places and you can tell from all the user generated photos and everyone tagging them that it's a really good option for people who are outdoors with their dogs.
  • So this collar is really sturdy, it's made in the USA and what I really like is that it's actually made from rock climbing rope.
  • So you already know that you're going to get a really strong material on this.If you have a puller or a dog that just gets really excited that's something to keep in mind.
  • The buckle is super secure.It actually took me a good try the first time because if something gets wrapped around it it's not just going to pop off.
  • You have to intentionally want it to be taking it off.The clip is a really good size,you can fit a bunch of different types of leashes on here,whether it be just a classic clip or a carabiner.And it's adjustable and it comes in a few sizes.
  • So Overall really well made, made in the US,great option if you're going to be hiking a lot.So if you're interested in this collaryou can get them online.
  • They are $30, come in three sizes and a great option for any dog size.So today we really just wanted to focus on some brands and products that you may not see all the time in your local pet store but are definitely worth checking out online.


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